Milwaukee, WI

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2019 Q2 User Group Announcement

8 - Asteroid

Hello all!


We've rescheduled our Q2 user group meeting so as to NOT coincide with Summerfest. We'll now meet on Thursday, August 1 at 1pm at Continuus Technologies. 


We'll give an Inspire recap, see an Assisted Modeling Demo and I'll be presenting on a use case we had at Rexnord that involved taking a very messy, very manual process and automating it with Alteryx. Happy hour is immediately afterward, also at the new Continuus offices. 


Register now:


Hope you can join us!

9 - Comet

Hi @ColleenH218!


If were originally registered for the meeting that was supposed to be on June 27th, are we already registered for this one?  Or do we need to re-register?

8 - Asteroid

Hi @tammybrown_tds ! If you registered for the June 27 meeting you're automatically registered for the August 1 meeting. So sorry for the confusion!


Looking forward to seeing you next week!