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London, UK

Welcome to the London User Group

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Making connections: London- Banking & Asset management

8 - Asteroid



I work as a data analyst in London for a wealth fund and the company is in the process of adopting Alteryx . I've been using Alteryx for the past 3 years producing credit risk reports, API reference data,  extracting trade data (Charles River, SimCorp) and custodian recs.


Keen to connect with Alteryx users in banking and asset management in London and share our experience. Happy to buy you a drink!





13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hey @SidUK - Great to hear from you and welcome to the London Alteryx User Group!


I'm happy to have a chat on a call and I'm sure we'll eventually get to share a drink.


My email address is: ReplaceChar([CommunityName],"_",".")+""


Please send me an email and we can schedule a call.

Joe Lipski
6 - Meteoroid

Hey @SidUK , @joe_lipski , did you ever get that drink?! I'm at Barclays, and am driving enhanced adoption of Alteryx across 2,000 people in Global Markets. Would be good to connect!