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Hi all!
We now into double digits events for London User Groups!!! Thanks for your continued support and attendance!
For the first meeting of 2017 we want to go from strength to strength in growing this community. As part of this we are doing some internal planning to make sure we can give you the best experience going forward (and to help that we would love to hear from you with your ideas and thoughts) - So please comment here if there is anything you think can improve the next user group - Ideas, Venue, Speakers, etc.
For this meeting we are still looking to confirm the location and agenda but the meeting is coming up soon so we wanted to get it in your diary. We will update everyone with the details as we confirm this.
Please sign up here:
Thanks all and look forward to seeing you there.
Joe & the team!
HI Joe,
Thanks for the message!
Somehow the link for signing up doesn't work now - may I know if it means it has been full already for this meetup session then?
Many thanks,
Hi @ZoeyL1GL, the link still works fine for me - Could you please try again?
It's not full, so you can definitely still register! Let me know if there are still issues and I'll send you a different link.
Thanks Carl for your reply - I have tried it again but unfortunately still no luck...
Here is the error message I have got from the link:
This site can’t be reached
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Hi Carl,
Just to let you know that I tried the link again and it worked.
Many thanks for your help.