Learner Discussions

Connect with other learners by posting your questions, sharing ideas, and getting involved in a discussion.

Recording - Alteryx User Groups 101

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

User Groups Banner.png


Checkout the recording below to learn more about our Alteryx User Groups! Flavia Brancato  @FláviaB, Alteryx User Groups Program Manager, provides an in-depth look into User Groups and how they are a great platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and staying up to date with the latest product information and announcements.



Additionally, learn how you can get involved with a local group (virtual or in-person), where you can access past recordings and register for upcoming meetings, and how you can create a new user group within your region! Please email Flavia at usergroups@alteryx.com if you have any questions!


More about Alteryx User Groups

As independent volunteer organizations created for users and run by users, they create boundless opportunities to meet locally or virtually, bringing together a broad range of backgrounds where users of all skill levels are welcome and can share ideas, experiences, and best practices in analytics and take away invaluable insights from like-minded peers. Oh, and not to mention all the product information and announcements that are shared so you can stay up to date and learn new ways to use the Alteryx platform.


User Groups by Location


Alteryx User Group Meeting Round Up 2023

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

It was a pleasure having the opportunity to speak with our students and educators today! I am also attaching the ppt. I presented. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see you around the Community and joining our Local User Groups! 


Thank you @MadisonD and the @SparkED_Team

Flávia Brancato