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Share one of your take-aways (big or small)

13 - Pulsar

After I attend a conference, I like to compile a list of take-aways: some specific things that I learned, or things that I'm going to do (read a book, research a specific topic) or do differently (use a new technique) based on what I learned.


What is one thing (big or small) that you are taking away from your Inspire experience?


One of mine is from Software Development 101 for Alteryx Users:
I am going to review my existing production workflows for D.R.Y. (don't repeat yourself) issues. I think I'm pretty good at identifying  when I need to macro-ize something, but can think of at least one workflow that I built in a hurry and said, "It'll be faster to just copy and paste this group of tools!"

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I think the big one for me would be:


My rap career is not over. 


Second, I love the AI/ML developments. It's clearly where we're heading and moving to the cloud is quite exciting.




12 - Quasar

@kelly_gilbert - great question and despite considerable fear that my answer may not age well, my takeaway is as follows:

Advanced Certified is not out of reach. 



13 - Pulsar

@Shifty - that's a great one, and so true!

I'm sure they mentioned this in the certification prep session, but the exam itself is a learning tool (you'll learn new things FROM the exam, as well as identify subject areas to brush up on). I waited way too long thinking it was out of reach, when I should have just given it a shot!