Hey everyone! We're so excited for Virtual Global Inspire and we want to see how you're enjoying the experience. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words! To receive the badge for this challenge, you need to share a picture of your set up.
We know that not everyone is comfortable posting a selfie at their desk, though you're certainly welcome to do so! You can share your desk setup, your pets watching an awesome keynote with you, what you're snacking on while attending, Inspire swag, go nuts! The options are truly endless (that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea).
Just post your picture in this thread between Tuesday May 18th and Friday May 21 with a short description of what it is we're seeing, and you're done! To quote Ina, "How easy is that?"
Can't wait to see what you all share! Check out the Engagement Badge Challenge Post here for the full rundown on activities!
Great Session yesterday with Alberto Cairo!
OOTD: Shirt from 2019 Inspire! 🙂
Feeling Inspired
Well not sure why I can't rotate the view, but feeling inspired!
We have a teams channel dedicated to chat across the three regions...
stats are looking pretty good...
we've also got a badge for everyone on the team attending!
❤️ Alteryx
"The greatest teacher, failue is" Yoda is supporting in my regex lessons 😄
I completely missed the opportunity to capture all Grand Prix contestants on the screen but at least I got the winner.
Posting before the Grand Prix aired in the other regions, so into a Spoiler tag...
A bureau through the ages!