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Industry Discussions

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Internal Audit

6 - Meteoroid



I am Shawn and I work with CommScope a telecommunication company and I am looking to connect with other internal audit share use cases of Alteryx.  We have been using Alteryx for a little over 6 months. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @ciela23

While we provide this space for Alteryx users to network and share experiences in your industries, we are piloting some interest-based User Groups to better understand our users' needs. The "Audit" could be one of them. 

To create a new User Group, we must follow our internal process. The first step is to build a leadership team with at least 3-4 users from at least two companies. You can review the details here: How to Build an Interest-Based User Group and let me know if you have any questions. 😉


Flávia Brancato