Good Morning Alteryx Marketing UG Members!
We really appreciate and thank everyone who attended our Q4 Marketing User Group meeting on Dec 17, 2019!
Additional thanks to our talented speaker Andris Ezerins, CTO at Wyzoo.
Andris Ezerins, Wyzoo
Andris talked about how we can achieve Improved Customer Messaging by building a better overall picture of our customers. He had a great and easy to understand use case in which he demonstrated how to use the information that we have on our customers. Combine it with outside data sets to enrich our data, so that we can segment efficiently. The use case showcased how we can use Alteryx to perform data functions such as Ingestion, Enrichment, Decision Optimization & Visualization.

Following the use case, a few Alteryx announcements were made:
- Visit the Alteryx Community ( to learn, share and connect.
- For Alteryx Trainings, Certifications & more visit -
- Submit your Weekly Challenge Ideas by emailing at
- To learn about Local User Groups, visit -
- You can also join the Industry User Groups on community to see Customer Use Cases and learn more about how to solve new challenges. For more details contact -
- If you missed any meetings, you can catch all recordings right on the Alteryx Community Page – Meeting Round up. All Industry User Group meetings are recorded and are available for replay.
- For those Alteryx geeks who love to experiment, Alteryx has a BETA program where you can apply to test out the latest features and provide feedback!
- Recently, Alteryx started an analytics podcast called Alter.Everything. All episodes are available on Community and on Sound Cloud.
Follow Up
The Marketing User Group is always looking for speakers who would like to share their use cases. If presenting interests, you, please email
Let us know the topics you'd be interested in and what you are looking forward to most from this user group.
Marketing Alteryx User Group Leaders