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Q4 2024 Indianapolis Alteryx User Group Meeting Recap

8 - Asteroid

We recently hosted our 4th and final user group meeting of 2024.  It is hard to believe the year has flown by so fast!  For Q4 we held a virtual meeting so hopefully many of you were able to attend and found the presentations helpful.  I know I learned a lot and I appreciated the different perspectives of our presenters.  For those that may not have been able to attend or anyone who did attend and wants to dig into the presentations some more, here is a recap:


@Kenda kicked off the meeting welcoming everyone, made some introductions and gave us some 2024.2 Alteryx Designer release highlights.  Sounds like some really cool new features in 2024.2 and I can't wait to upgrade.  Kenda also discussed ACE Tricks which is a new series on youtube featuring short videos from ACEs with tips and tricks.  I have watched some of these and they are great so check them out if you have a chance.  Kenda is also featured in one of the videos from season 1!  You can find the videos here:


@rkakde, an intern and student at Indiana University, was our first presenter.  Rishi's presentation was a deep dive into the find and replace tool.  He showed how to use the tool to find and replace data and also how to use it as a join tool.  Very interesting information on how the find and replace tool operates when duplicates are introduced.  Rishi's slides also included a great visual representation of the differences between the join and find/replace tools.  Lastly, Rishi gave a quick demo of a specific use case where they identified country names using the find/replace tool.            


 @mkeiffer, an Alteryx ACE and Data Analyst Consultant, was our second presenter.  Michael's presentation focused on using Alteryx in audit and fraud detection.  As an internal auditor myself, it was great to hear someone else from the audit world as passionate about Alteryx as I am.  Michael explained fraud by the quote: "When good people do stupid things".  I love this quote!  He began with details from a couple different fraud cases he had worked on.  One of the cases involved employees shipping company product to themselves.  Michael showed how Alteryx could be used to "normalize" addresses using the find/replace and fuzzy match tools which allows him to identify fraudsters.  Very good information and visuals for both of these tools.  Here is a link to a Community training on fuzzy matching that was referenced in the presentation:


Two wonderful presentations so thank you Rishi and Michael!  If you would like to watch/rewatch the recording or view any of the workflows or slideshows they are attached to this post.  I look forward to the Q1 2025 user group meeting (details to come...).  Hope you can join us!  Please feel free to reach out to any of the Indy User Group leaders (@Kenda@patrick_digan or @Desmond) if you would like to host or present at a future meeting or have an idea for a presentation you would like to see.  Happy Holidays!




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16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Thanks for the great recap, @Desmond! And thanks again to @rkakde & @mkeiffer for volunteering to present at our meeting! 


I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing holiday season! See you all in 2025. 

10 - Fireball
10 - Fireball

@Kenda  @Desmond and @patrick_digan Thank you so much for having me and letting me present at the meeting.  It was a lot of fun!  Let me know if you would like me to post the workflows that I used during the meeting here in this thread.  Thanks again!

8 - Asteroid

If you do not mind sharing them here that would be great.  

8 - Asteroid

Thank you so much @Kenda , @Desmond , and @patrick_digan for having me! I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday season.
