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Q3 Indianapolis Alteryx User Group Meeting Recap

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hey Indy User Group!


It was so great to see and connect with you yesterday. I was so happy that we had such a great turnout that I forgot to take a photo of the group! On the way out, though, I did snag this photo to thank our hosts!

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In case you missed it or you're just back here to recall what we talked about:

  • We continued with our tool deep dive series, this time exploring some of the Reporting Tools
    • @Desmond walked us through a couple examples on how to use the Table tool, starting with data from his recent weekly challenge
    • @Kenda then showed us some tips for the Report Text tool and previewed some of the functionality when used in combination with other reporting tools
    • Lastly for this section, @patrick_digan walked through the Render tool and showed many of the different ways that this tool can help you generate different types of outputs
  • To wrap up the meeting, @patrick_digan quickly introduced us to Alteryx Abacus, created by the great @jdunkerley79 


All of our workflows and presentations are attached to this post, for your reference. 


If you would like to see @patrick_digan dive deeper into Abacus, let us know in the comments! Alternatively, if there are other topics you want to hear about or if you'd be interested in presenting at a future meeting, we'd love to hear from you as well.


Thanks so much to @Desmond for hosting, we look forward to potentially more meetings here in the future!


Indianapolis Alteryx User Group Leadership Team:

 - Patrick Digan, @patrick_digan 

 - Desmond Turner, @Desmond 

 - Kenda Sanderson, @Kenda 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Link to post-meeting survey:

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