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General AFG Discussions

The Alteryx For Good program is currently being updated to better reflect our organizational values. Please be on the lookout for news regarding our new community presence in the future.

Student licence help

5 - Atom

Dear alteryx team,

I sent you an email a few days ago to apply for a student license, but there was no answer I wanted in the reply. So I'm asking here. I want to apply for the student licence, but there is no Republic of Korea in the country section. So I'm having a hard time applying. I'd like to ask you what to do in this case.

Thanks in advance.


Hi @Whee_Min : We're excited to get you up and running.  Currently our existing form does not support South Korea, but I can get you up and running right away.  Can you please email me directly at amais@alteryx.com? Looking forward to getting you started!

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