Hi all,
i am having trouble with my input file. I have a .xlsx file where i import a bunch of data. Some columns are completely misinterpreted by the tool. For example a column with text is directly interpreted as time column (00:00:00) or a column with date all values are interpreted as 1900-01-10. The input date has following type MM/dd/YYYY.
I know that Alteryx only use one date format and i need to change it with datetimepase but as already all values were changed i need to something before as it already shows in the preview of the input tool the wrong data.
I would be happy if somebody can help me.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
Hi @Joma,
can you provide a sample of the file?
On a note, you are right now in the German Forum, so feel free to speak German 😉
Hi @grossal,
thanks for the hint. I didn´t realize it, but i will stay in english for now as i already started in english 🙂
I just tried to extract a sample of it and i realized the problem is not occuring if i copy and paste the values of the data in a new file. Nevertheless it is not an option as i need to stick to the original file.
The structure of my file is as followed: In 1 tab all relevant information of the other tabs are collected via if- formula.
Thats how my input tool shows my input
How it looks in Excel
Could it be possible that the reason is because of the formating of the xlsx. file?
Hi @Joma,
sorry for the last response. My biggest issue right now is that I can't replicate it.
The formatting is might responsible for the issue. It's possible to format a number like 10 as a date and people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a real date and an integer.
I'd maybe try these things:
1) Import with Headers as rows:
Every columns now starts with a text and Alteryx will try to interpret it as Strings. If the strings are right, you can use the Dynamic Rename and Auto-Field / Select tool to format the rest.
2) Export Excel to CSV and Import CSV
It's probably a nasty solution, but I'd give it a try.
3) Try to trick Alteryx
We can also try to use the Python tool and just read in the Excel via Pandas and than pass it through to Alteryx, but I am not quite sure if the result is different, but the code is quite simple:
Here is the Code for copy-paste:
from ayx import Alteryx
import pandas as pd
file_path = "C:\_Data\Alteryx\Community\data.xlsx"
data = pd.read_excel(file_path)
I hope something works. Let me know!
Hi Alex,
sorry for my late response.
I figured out that one main problem is because of a simple reason. The respective columns in the excel sheet are formated as date column. If i change it to a standard column in excel it can be recognized as string and afterwards it is possible to transform to alteryx date. But i would love to avoid that.
I tried your ideas:
The first solution is a good idea, but didn´t work as expected, because the string changes the format to 00:00:00, so all values are "gone" again.
The second idea is not really an option as some users work with the xlsx.files already and they will upload a new version everyday.
The python idea looks promising so far and seems to work 🙂
Thanks for your help Alex.