Do i have to re-run the entire workflow any time that i make a change on it? its kind of annoying and very high time consumming considering that i have to manipulate large dataset through python scripts. I tried using tool container and disabling part of the workflow but the thing is that the initial part of the workflow its reading the whole data and consumming mostly of the time. I would like to select and re-run the last stage of the workflow only, like in Knime. The only viable solution that pops in my mind its divide the workflows and store part of the processed data into alteryx extracts. Any idea its more than welcome!
¡Resuelto! Ir a solución.
Hola mi amigo @ElJulio , puedes usar la función CACHÉ Y EJECUTAR FLUJO DE TRABAJO
Haga clic derecho en la herramienta y seleccione la opción.
Cargará los datos del flujo de trabajo en un archivo temporal y se almacenará en el flujo de trabajo, solo ejecutando la parte después de la herramienta que seleccionó la opción.
Esto ayuda a correr el flujo.
Espero que ayude.
hi @ElJulio,
As mentioned by @carlosteixeira you have the option to use the cache functionality
Here you can read more about it
At the same time, depending from where your data is coming, you might want to use the cache option (used for DB connections)
Ty both for ur answer!