We appreciate your kind collaboration with the following:
We need to install the pdftools package in the alteryx 2023.2.1 version, however, when we are executing the install.packages('pdftools') command from R.exe, it tells us that the package is not available for the R 4.2.3 version, what option do you have to install this plugin in this version of alteryx?
We need the above, since when we are executing a flow it generates the following error, and on previous occasions we have installed this package and the error is solved, in the case of this version of Alteryx, is there another way to correct this error by middle of another package?
Hi @agarciaoso001 , it looks like you're having issues when downloading the mirrors file. Are you opening R.exe as an administrator? It looks like an R issue, as is suggested in here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50682973/failed-to-download-mirror-file-r-version-3-5
Also, as this is the Spanish forum, feel free to write in Spanish if you wish.