I’m trying to connect to Alteryx Gallery using the Alteryx API through python programming.
But it always failed to connect and return the error “'message': 'The provided signature(oauth_signature) is invalid.'”.
I double check the API key and secret, and I was able to connect to the Gallery interactively with same key and secret “https://gallery.alteryx.com/api-docs/”.
C:\Users\Employee\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe C:/Users/Employee/PycharmProjects/tmp/AlteryxGalleryAPI/AlteryxGalleryAPI/apiTestVersion2.py
{"data":null,"exceptionName":"UnauthorizedException","innerExceptionMessage":"","message":"The provided signature(oauth_signature) is invalid."}
(<Response [401]>, {'data': None, 'exceptionName': 'UnauthorizedException', 'innerExceptionMessage': '', 'message': 'The provided signature(oauth_signature) is invalid.'})
Please help me to get this resolved.