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Support of 2 Step Authentication in Download Tool

7 - Meteor

Does Download tool support 2 step authentication? 

Step 1: Log into a website using credentials to get session ID

Step 2: Extract data with session ID


Is it possible to do this in Alteryx? If download tool doesn't work, what is the best approach?




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey Terry! 


Depending on the authentication protocol being used by the service you are working with, you could do something like this: 


Text Input (w/credentials) 

Download Tool - call an endpoint that allows you to get an auth token

Download Tool (again) - use the token that was returned by the 1st Download Tool to make an API call


I have done this plenty of times in big macros or workflows, I usually have one download tool calling an authentication service and then feed that token to 1 or many other download tools in the same workflow!




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5 - Atom

Hi. Would you please share an example workflow.