Dev Space

Customize and extend the power of Alteryx with SDKs, APIs, custom tools, and more.

Changing a python 3.6 based tool to 3.8.5 capable

8 - Asteroid

Hello all -


Looking at a pre-2020.4 custom tool available at this location as a working case for modifying to be able to work in 3.8.5. Looking at community postings hasn't lead to concrete examples of the changes needed to facilitate this, and layering no custom builds on top of that isn't a recipe for success. The .py is the following:


class AyxPlugin:
def __init__(self, n_tool_id: int, alteryx_engine: object, output_anchor_mgr: object):
# Default properties
self.n_tool_id: int = n_tool_id
self.alteryx_engine: Sdk.AlteryxEngine = alteryx_engine
self.output_anchor_mgr: Sdk.OutputAnchorManager = output_anchor_mgr

# Custom properties
self.SourceFieldName: str = None
self.extract_path = None
self.password = None
self.no_overwrite = False
self.files_extracted = 0

self.input: IncomingInterface = None
self.output: Sdk.OutputAnchor = None

def pi_init(self, str_xml: str):
# Getting the dataName data property from the Gui.html
self.SourceFieldName = Et.fromstring(str_xml).find('SourceField').text if 'SourceField' in str_xml else None
self.extract_path = Et.fromstring(str_xml).find('ExtractPath').text if 'ExtractPath' in str_xml else None
self.no_overwrite = Et.fromstring(str_xml).find('NoOverwrite').text == 'True' if 'NoOverwrite' in str_xml else None
#self.password = Et.fromstring(str_xml).find('Password').text if 'Password' in str_xml else None
#self.password = self.alteryx_engine.decrypt_password(Et.fromstring(str_xml).find('Password').text, 0)

# Validity checks.
if self.SourceFieldName is None:
self.display_error_msg('Source field cannot be empty.')
elif self.extract_path is None or self.extract_path == '':
self.display_error_msg('Extract path cannot be empty.')
elif not os.path.exists(self.extract_path):
self.display_error_msg('Extract path doesn\'t exist')

# Getting the output anchor from Config.xml by the output connection name
self.output = self.output_anchor_mgr.get_output_anchor('Output')

def pi_add_incoming_connection(self, str_type: str, str_name: str) -> object:
self.input = IncomingInterface(self)
return self.input

def pi_add_outgoing_connection(self, str_name: str) -> bool:
return True

def pi_push_all_records(self, n_record_limit: int) -> bool:
self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.error, 'Missing Incoming Connection.')
return False

def pi_close(self, b_has_errors: bool):

def display_error_msg(self, msg_string: str):
self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.error, msg_string)

def display_info(self, msg_string: str):
self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id,, msg_string)

class IncomingInterface:
def __init__(self, parent: AyxPlugin):
# Default properties
self.parent: AyxPlugin = parent

# Custom properties
self.record_copier: Sdk.RecordCopier = None
self.record_creator: Sdk.RecordCreator = None
self.OutputField: Sdk.Field = None
self.SourceField: Sdk.Field = None

#output field config
self.output_name: str = 'zip_content'
self.output_type: Sdk.FieldType = Sdk.FieldType.string
self.output_size: int = 1000

def ii_init(self, record_info_in: Sdk.RecordInfo) -> bool:
# Make sure the user provided a field to parse
if self.parent.SourceFieldName is None:
self.parent.display_error_msg('Select a source field')
return False

# Get information about the source path field
self.SourceField = record_info_in.get_field_by_name(self.parent.SourceFieldName)
#match_field_type: Sdk.FieldType = self.SourceField.type
#match_field_size: int = self.SourceField.size

# Returns a new, empty RecordCreator object that is identical to record_info_in.
record_info_out = record_info_in.clone()

# Adds field to record with specified name and output type.
self.OutputField = record_info_out.add_field(self.output_name, self.output_type, self.output_size)

# Lets the downstream tools know what the outgoing record metadata will look like

# Creating a new, empty record creator based on record_info_out's record layout.
self.record_creator = record_info_out.construct_record_creator()

# Instantiate a new instance of the RecordCopier class.
self.record_copier = Sdk.RecordCopier(record_info_out, record_info_in)

# Map each column of the input to where we want in the output.
for index in range(record_info_in.num_fields):
# Adding a field index mapping.
self.record_copier.add(index, index)

# Let record copier know that all field mappings have been added.

return True
def unzip(self, file, path, no_overwrite, password=None):
files = []
file = file.lower()
if file.endswith('tar.gz'):
z =,'r:gz')
listOfFileNames = z.getnames()
elif file.endswith('tar'):
z =, 'r:')
listOfFileNames = z.getnames()
elif file.endswith('zip'):
z = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r')
listOfFileNames = z.namelist()

for fileName in listOfFileNames:
dest = os.path.join(path, fileName)
if os.path.exists(dest) and no_overwrite:
self.parent.display_info(f'{dest} already exists and will not be overwritten')
z.extract(fileName, path)
self.parent.files_extracted += 1
return files
def unzip(self, file, path, no_overwrite, password=None):
files = []
extension = os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower()
ext_type = {'.zip':'r', '.tar':'r:', '.gz':'r:gz'}
open_mode = ext_type[extension]

if extension == '.zip':
z = zipfile.ZipFile(file, open_mode)
listOfFileNames = z.namelist()
z =, open_mode)
listOfFileNames = z.getnames()

for fileName in listOfFileNames:
dest = os.path.join(path, fileName)
if os.path.exists(dest) and no_overwrite:
self.parent.display_info(f'{dest} already exists and will not be overwritten')
z.extract(fileName, path)
self.parent.files_extracted += 1
return files

def ii_push_record(self, in_record: Sdk.RecordRef) -> bool:
# Copy the data from the incoming record into the outgoing record.
self.record_copier.copy(self.record_creator, in_record)

# Get the text to parse and set the matches counter
source: str = self.SourceField.get_as_string(in_record)

output_str: str = ''
failed_op: bool = False

# make all dirs in path if selected
#if self.parent.create_dirs:
# try:
# os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest), exist_ok=True)
# except OSError as e:
# self.parent.display_error_msg("Unable to create directory tree")

# Check if value is null
if source is not None and self.parent.extract_path is not None:
if not os.path.exists(source):
self.parent.display_error_msg('Source file doesn\'t exist')
elif not os.path.exists(self.parent.extract_path):
self.parent.display_error_msg('Extract path doesn\'t exist')
if source.lower().endswith(('zip', 'tar', 'tar.gz')):
files = self.unzip(source, self.parent.extract_path, self.parent.no_overwrite, self.parent.password)
for file in files:
self.OutputField.set_from_string(self.record_creator, file)
out_record = self.record_creator.finalize_record()

except (IOError, os.error) as e:
failed_op = True
output_str = str(e)
self.OutputField.set_from_string(self.record_creator, output_str)
out_record = self.record_creator.finalize_record()
return True

def ii_update_progress(self, d_percent: float):
# Inform the Alteryx engine of the tool's progress.
self.parent.alteryx_engine.output_tool_progress(self.parent.n_tool_id, d_percent)

# Inform the outgoing connections of the tool's progress.

def ii_close(self):
self.parent.display_info(f'Extracted {self.parent.files_extracted} files')
# Close outgoing connections.

If you want to PM me, I'd be happy to discuss renumeration. I've attached the DL.