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Denver, CO

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Alteryx SparkED / CU Boulder Event – Volunteering Opportunity 10/30

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Denver User Group! Alteryx SparkED, in partnership with CU Boulder, is planning to host a data analytics career exploration event at the university on Monday, October 30th 2023 (4 – 6 pm). 


We are all set on Volunteers - thank you all for your interest in participating! - 8/8/23


We are looking for volunteers for a few different opportunities:

  • 1 volunteer to lead a 15-minute basic Designer workshop overview
  • 1 volunteer to discuss the Alteryx Denver User group (5-10 mins)
  • 2-3 volunteers to speak about their company/ industry and career opportunities and/or use case scenarios within the field that leverage Alteryx and data analytics (10-15 mins each)

This event is open to the entire user group that would like to attend! We held a similar event last year, and plan to expand to a larger student audience with more in-depth sessions. We are inviting students not just in the data analytics space at CU Boulder but are also working with the university to promote to various business tracts/ clubs, engineering, and law.


Please email me directly at if you are interested in participating! Thank you for your consideration. 😊






13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @MadisonD, I'm happy to volunteer for any of the spots. I will send you a separate email with my contact info.



6 - Meteoroid

Hi @MadisonD, 

I'd be interested in participating, will send you an email. Thanks for the invite!