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17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Needed this tool today ! 


7 - Meteor

Thank you for this! Now I can move away from doing this solely in R.

8 - Asteroid

I deleted my One-Hot Encoder after importing it. However, when I ran the Alteryx, it showed errors couldn't find the downloaded file. I downloaded One-Hot Encoder but Alteryx didn't allow me to import again. Alteryx doesn't see the downloaded file. What can I do to fix this issue? Thank you.

6 - Meteoroid

I suggest that you prefix the new columns with the name of the original column when you encode them. For instance, if we have two columns with Yes/No values, we want to get four new columns after encoding. However, if they have the same names, we only get two new columns with Yes/No. The other column is not encoded at all.

5 - Atom

where can I download one- hot encoder tool from into alteryx