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Important Community update: The process for changing your account details was updated on June 25th. Learn how this impacts your Community experience and the actions we suggest you take to secure your account here.

Community Gallery

Post, download, and share all of your favorite tools and workflows — from Alteryx supported to user-built.
Introducing Alteryx Marketplace

Easily access verified, supported, and secure Add-Ons.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Congrats on being the first member upload to the new community Gallery @patrick_digan! woooo hooooo!

5 - Atom

Works great, very intuitive to use also. Thank you! 

5 - Atom

Hi all i tried everything to make this work but no luck. Even by changing the format to string the same error come up "Tool 37 double fields can only be joined to others double fields". Anyone experience this?