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2019 Grand Prix Europe

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Register for the upcoming 2019 Grand Prix at Inspire Europe


Join in to see if you have what it takes to be Alteryx's next Grand Prix Champion in London! If you want to see what the Grand Prix is all about, check out this recap and video of the 2019 Grand Prix in Nashville earlier this year.


Here is how to compete in the upcoming event:


2019 Grand Prix Europe Qualification and Timeline 

  • Register for the Grand Prix by Friday, 30 August
  • Each racer will compete in ONE 60-minute WebEx session to complete workflows judged by Alteryx Grand Prix referees. These will take place the week of 2 September (see times below)*.
    • Successful workflow completion earns you points, with the top racers advancing to the finals at Inspire Europe
    • You must be able to access Dropbox and WebEx during the preliminary round
  • The 2019 Alteryx Grand Prix Europe will take place Thursday, 17 October

*Preliminary Round Session Times

Tuesday, 3 September, 2019 12:00 pm, GMT Summer Time (London, GMT+01:00)
Wednesday, 4 September, 2019 8:30 am, GMT Summer Time (London, GMT+01:00)
Thursday, 5 September, 2019 5:30 pm, GMT Summer Time (London, GMT+01:00)


Grand Prix Europe 2019 Rules

  • You must be registered for Inspire Europe by Friday, 6 September to be considered for the Finals. Register Now!
  • You must be an Alteryx User Group member to participate.
  • You must be registered for the Alteryx Community.
  • You must be an Alteryx customer (partners and ACEs are not allowed to compete as drivers).

To Prepare:

Head over to the Weekly Challenge to sharpen your skills!


For more information, please read here.

Chris Shernaman
Community Manager