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Our theme for Inspire 2017 is Icons of Analytics. Icons of Analytics challenge the status quo approach to analytics within their organizations. With the power of self-service data analytics, these Icons make the impossible possible – driving deeper insights to solve their organization's most pressing business problems.


stephen-dubner-370x208.pngWe are ecstatic to announce Stephen J. Dubner, a true Icon of Analytics, as our guest keynote for Inspire 2017 in Las Vegas. Dubner is an award-winning author, journalist, and radio and TV personality, best-known as co-author of the Freakonomics book series, including Freakonomics, SuperFreakonomics, Think Like a Freak and When to Rob a Bank. More than 7 million copies of this series have been sold in more than 40 countries. Freakonomics, published in 2005, was an instant international bestseller and cultural phenomenon. He also is the host of the Freakonomics Radio podcast, which sees 8 million downloads a month.


The eighth and last child of an upstate New York newspaperman, Dubner has been iconic since he was a child, when his first published work appeared in Highlights magazine. As an undergraduate at Appalachian State University, he started a rock band which landed him in New York City. Ultimately, he quit playing music to earn an M.F.A. in writing at Columbia University, where he also taught in the English Department. He became an editor and writer at New York magazine and The New York Times before quitting to write books.


In his free time, Dubner maintains the popular Freakonomics blog, which has been called "the most readable economics blog in the universe." In 2015 (the 10-year anniversary of the series), Dubner published When to Rob a Bank, a collection of the most popular blog posts.


Dubner lives in New York with his wife, the documentary photographer Ellen Binder, and their two children.


Register now to join us in Las Vegas to hear not only Stephen's iconic Guest Keynote, but to hear from other Icons about the benefits self-service data analytics are bringing to their organizations. From saving time to delivering deeper insights, don't miss your chance to learn from Icons of Analytics — Data Analysts, Business Leaders, and even Alteryx employees — at Inspire 2017.


See you in Las Vegas!