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Using 3rd party Scheduler/.bat files with a Distributed Alteryx Environment

9 - Comet

Hi All,


I'd like to use a non-gallery approach for our ETL use-case given the more flexibility it provides, but I'm curious on how to set the scheduling up in a distributed server environment with multiple workers. If we have a shared location (EFS) across the controller and workers and we fire off batch commands on the Controller that triggers workflows, will the Controller node then instruct individual workers to run those workflows?


Would love to hear any use-cases that have already been implemented in a similar fashion.




14 - Magnetar


We don't currently use worker nodes so this information is theoretical, but I believe the AddtoQueue command of the AlteryxService does what you want.


Here is an article that explains in more detail


Note that I believe this command only works for workflows saved locally, not on the Gallery.  If you are using the Gallery to save all of your workflows, then I believe you want to use the Gallery API to execute these workflows.