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Use API to get a count of the number of times workflows have been run

10 - Fireball



Im looking to use the server API to get the count of the number of times each workflow on the server has been run, this is part of a housekeeping task, I want to remove all workflows that have never been ran on the server.  It would also be useful if there was a date last ran returned as well, so I could suggest removing workflows that have not been ran for over a year for example...

How do I do this?  Ive never used the API before so have no idea what Im doing!

10 - Fireball

With the help of GPT I got it to work!  Only thing is, it says a lot of workflows have 0 runs and I know they are being run as they are on a monthly schedule.  Does the runCount field only show the count of when a user has ran and is there a way to see if its running on a schedule instead?