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Tableau Web Data Connector not working (10.5 server)

5 - Atom

I've got a fairly simple workflow that grabs data (csv) via REST api using the download tool, then outputs to the tableau web data connector.  Everything connects properly in tableau but the job never starts on Alteryx server when I select the workflow and click next, and the connection just says 'executing query' indefinitely in Tableau.  The workflow takes around 40 seconds to output the full dataset (68k row x 122 columns) and works properly both on my desktop and on the server (run manually or via gallery).  Both are running Alteryx 10.5.  Has anyone run into this issue?  It looks like the job never starts on the Alteryx server and tableau sits there waiting indefinitely for data to be returned.

5 - Atom

I got it working by publishing to the gallery from the server - not sure why it wasn't working when published from my desktop...