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Self Managed mongodb system.indexes database

12 - Quasar

I have setup a self-managed mongodb instance for a clean install at the start of a redeployment (following the steps in this KB).


I'm now trying to get the server usage report to run on the workflow and am getting an error from the "CollectionExists" supporting macro that "Collection system.indexes not found in database AlteryxGallery" & "Collection system.indexes not found in database AlteryxService".


How do I set up the system.indexes table? I assume they are likely to be important for the performance of the database going forward.


@MattH @SteveA @KevinP


@paul_houghton The indexes should be created by the AlteryxService when it first accesses collections in Mongo.  If you start the Server and then re-run the monitoring app, does it now run successfully?

12 - Quasar

Hey @SteveA the server was started and even uploaded and run some additional workflows and the monitoring app still doesn't work. when I look at the Mongo directly from the command line there isnt an index there either (so its not just not appearing).


I installed Mongo 3.4 could that be causing the issue?

12 - Quasar

After discussions with Alteryx Support (thanks @PaulN) The issue was I had installed Mongo 3.4 when I downgraded to 3.0.4 the macro worked fine again.


Thanks heaps