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Reading csv file in tar gz archive - OK on Designer - KO on Server

5 - Atom


I am currently working on a workflow which gets data from a tar gz file.

I need to get data from two different csv files from the same tar gz archive.

Everything is fine in Alteryx Designer, and data is read correctly :

Capture 1.jpg


However, when I deploy the workflow to Alteryx Server, there is a metadata issue, on one of the two csv files only :
Capture 2.jpg

Of course, if I try and execute the worflow, I get the same error message on one of the two files, and data is read correctly only for the second file :

Capture 3.jpg


Server Version : 2021.4.2.02731

Did someone encounter the same type of issue ? Do you have any idea where it might come from ? 

Thanks in advance for your help.


5 - Atom

I think I found the answer, unfortunately ... 😉

Gzip File Support | Alteryx Help

Capture 4.jpg