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Prompting Excel Output to Refresh All Formulas

5 - Atom

I have a workflow that outputs my data to an excel file, completes the remaining formatting on a separate tab in excel via formulas, and then pulls the formula tab back into Alteryx to create PDFs and email out. I quickly realized that this process does not prompt excel to update all formulas in the workbook (yes, I verified that the workbook is set to calculate automatically). I found a workaround using cscript to open the file, calculate all formulas, save, and close...and it works beautifully on my desktop. However, it does not work through the server account when I schedule it to run every day of the week.


I tried breaking the workflow into 2 with 1 outputting the data and another inputting the formula tab, but it still does not update formulas. At this point, the only solution I can think of is to keep the 2 workflows and schedule a PowerShell to run in-between them that opens and closes the excel file to update formulas. Any one have a solution that could work?