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PDF Input tool error on server

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I got error while running PDF Input tool option on server. we are struggling to install PDF Input tool in server, so can anyone provide instruction or link to setup PDF Input tool on server, that would be very helpful.


Error message on Server:

cannot find macro "PDF INput\PDFINput.yxmc"


We have install R package on Server already.




8 - Asteroid



As of 2021.3, PDF Input is now called Image Input and is located in the Computer Vision tool category.

The computer vision tool category is part of the alteryx intelligence suite, so it could be worth checking whether the intelligence suite is installed on the server (and has the addon - license activated on the server.)


Second item worth checking here - In case the not found macro is a custom build one, you would need to upload the workflow with the macros 


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Dhilip_Kumar 

If you mean you are using my PDF Input macro, then you can install it on server by opening Alteryx Designer (on the server machine) as an administrator, then opening the .yxi installer file and installing for all users. 

You should then see the PDF Input folder in ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools and within there the macro and supporting macros.

Hope that helps,



8 - Asteroid

@Ollie Thank you so much!!!