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How to use DCM where each user needs their own connection/credentials?

7 - Meteor

Hey All, hoping you might be able to provide some guidance or perhaps more of a sanity check here.  😁


We have a use case where each individual user will need to run an Alteryx Workflow from the Gallery with their own Username and Password. The DB they are connecting to has row level security, so we need to have a way to ensure we only return back what their permissioned to see. DCM seems like it should solve this problem where each user can store their credentials on the server and call it in that workflow.


However, I'm running into the error "Selected Connection is not available. Set one up to use the tool." Based on what I read here, It seems the solution would be to share the connection with the other user, but wouldn't that also mean that the second user is running the workflow with the first users credentials? 


My ideal state would be that User A creates a workflow with a DCM ODBC connection to our DB and they are able to save this out on a gallery for others to run. Using the new DCM Connection Interface tool, allow users B-Z to replace A's connection with their own. So when User B runs the published workflow, they are querying the DB as User B, User C as User C etc. Is what I am hoping for possible? 


Thanks for reading!

14 - Magnetar

The ideal scenario you described is possible. Have you tried that?

7 - Meteor

Thanks for the response @gabrielvilella!  I've uploaded a test workflow of my scenario, it works for me but when anyone else runs it they get the error "Selected Connection is not available. Set one up to use the tool." We confirmed that their connections are set up properly with the same DSNs as mine. Now they are just making an exact replica of my connection, but I am not sharing my working connection for fear that they would be accessing the DB as myself and not their accounts. 


Upon looking at it more today, it could be that my Action Tool is not properly configured and is not updating my connection with User B's when they try to run it from the Gallery. I'll do some more digging today to see if I can find an example of a workflow that successfully uses the DCM Connection tool with Action. 




7 - Meteor

Update: It turns out I did have the DCM Connection Interface Tool configured wrong in my initial testing. Once configured like below, my workflow is working like I believe it should. Thanks for the help on this one @gabrielvilella!



14 - Magnetar

Hi @Matt19, great that you found the issue. Sorry I wasn’t able to reply to this earlier.