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How do I extract consolidated logs for all my workflows?

5 - Atom



Let's say I have about 10 different workflows created and they run daily. I am now working on a program level dashboard on Tableau that monitors health and status of all the workflows.

For the dashboard to work, I need to feed logs of all 10 workflows. Is there a way I can extract these logs? Please help.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @nakulbondre, with you saying these workflows run daily, I'm guessing you're talking about automated jobs on server? If so, there's a bunch of different logs that are created and can be saved to a default location - you could then build a separate workflow that pulls the relevant logs from this location, applies whatever treatment you need and then outputs to a flat file/Tableau server etc depending on your setup. More info on the available logs themselves here: - I'd imagine you're most interested in the Engine logs.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@nakulbondre if I understand your question correctly and assuming you're automating these jobs on server, you can download the server usage report workflow which reports on server user access, content, schedules, and job analysis. Once you run the workflow, the report can be viewed as Tableau dashboards or PDF and Excel files.


Here is the Help page that will direct you to the download portal to download the workflow and provide instructions on how to install and run the Server Usage Report.



Let me know if this helps and please mark as solution if so.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@nakulbondre did that work for you? would be interested to see what you came up with!