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Email function in Alteryx

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


I would like to understand about the email function.

From the help section, I see that "The Email tool cannot be used in apps saved to the Alteryx Analytics Gallery."


So if I have the alteryx server, I cannot run the email app from the server?


secondly, can I automate this job using the server scheduler?


Thank you in advance :)

 Best regards,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@MizunashiSinayu To clarify the section in help regarding the email tool that states "The Email tool cannot be used in apps saved to the Alteryx Analytics Gallery." Is specific to our public gallery. This limitation shouldn't apply to your server or private Gallery unless your gallery is configured to operate in safe mode. If your private gallery is configured for safe mode the email tool is one of the tools restricted by this setting. You can check this configuration by connecting to the server and opening Alteryx System Settings. Then navigate to Gallery > General and check the settings for default run mode. Regarding your second question scheduler is not impacted by this setting as it only applies to Gallery. As such you can schedule workflows with the email tool included without issue regardless of the configuration of the default run mode setting.