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Browsing Sharepoint

5 - Atom

I am able to connect to 2010 company SharePoint. But Unbale to read the files. So that I can publish this workflow in Gallery.

Any Ideas?

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hello @Kiran_Getti 


The SharePoint List Input and Output tools can only connect to SharePoint lists and not to SharePoint document libraries.  Also, the input tools only return that metadata for the items and do not return any attachments.



5 - Atom
Hi Dan,

Thanks for the information.

I have tried mapping the SharePoint server as my local drive and I am able to access the files. But, when I publish the workflow to Alteryx gallery, it is not working.

Any Ideas on how to achieve this task?

Kiran Kumar Getti
Thomson Reuters
the answer company
19 - Altair
19 - Altair

hi @Kiran_Getti 


You'll have to configure the server so that it has the same mappings and access as you do.  This is all related to the credentials that the server process runs under.  You'll have to map the SharePoint drive so that it's visible to server process.  This will involve granting access to the SharePoint site to the server process.   


I don't think that just mapping the drive under your account on the server will be enough, because when a server process impersonates a user it doesn't perform a full login process, so the drive will not exist as far as the server process is concerned. 



5 - Atom
Thanks for the reply Dan