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Asset Ownership on Server

8 - Asteroid


We set up a team subscription as a workaround before collections for about 25 artisans in one subscription.



With the upcoming elimination of subscriptions, we are looking into the most efficient way to unwind this setup and get each individual setup within their own subscription and migrate their owned assets from the team subscription to theirs. We'd like to do this in a way that a gallery admin could manage this transition for the artisans and not lose all of the history (versions, run history, etc.) in the process. It seems like there might be something possible utilizing similar functionality to the migrate workflows process but didn't know if anyone has gone down this path. It also seems like there could be some way to do a "find/replace" in the MongoDB, but recognize that manual edits to the MongoDB are unsupported. Any thoughts?


I would simply do this:


1- create a collection "My Collection for the 36 artisans" 🙂

2- in permissions for the collection:

2.1- add the Private Studio that was shared across 36 artisans

(required only when subscriptions go away) 2.2- add each of the 36 users and decide what each user has access to: manage assets, change users and asset access) - you can select admin for all for simplicity

2.3- add one curator in the collection as "admin" - that way someone with full access to admin mode has access to all content in the Private Studio - if the curator is the one who created the collection, you don't need to add it.


Now you have a Special collection with permissions for these 36 users.

When you are ready: go to the subscription for the Private Studio and remove all users but ONE. This will become this person default private studio. All 36 artisans will now have access each to their own private studio when they publish content. They will still have access to the collection and workflows shared by that ONE user via this new collection.


You don't have to remove the 35 users from the Private Studio / subscription right away you can keep it like that (in transition mode but ready to switch) until subscriptions are completely removed one day. Private Studio will stay. Sharing will be done exclusively through collections & permissions.

8 - Asteroid

@Loic - Thank you for sharing this solution. Just to make sure I understand, you would also add all those workflows from that private studio into the collection that was created, right? If so, is there a way to do that en masse?


yes. Remember that the workflows will remain physically tied with the original private studio BUT you share them via a collection.

Not a way to do it en-masse yet unfortunately. We are thinking about allowing you to multi-select workflows and share them in a specific collection in one go in a future version but not right now.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you for the follow up @Loic . Appreciate the clarity.


Yes, anything to help manage user transitions, ownership, or business reorganizations would be absolutely appreciated.