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Alteryx Multirow Struggles

8 - Asteroid



I am struggling to achieve the desired operation using the multirow formula.😢


You will see from the attached .yxdb file that the file contains 15 columns and 32 rows. Please note that the original file contains 5 million plus records. This is a dummy sheet.  


I am looking to get the multirow formula (Test) to identify and output with (1) the first time each customer spends consecutively for three months with the business. Some customers may have spent consecutively for three months on more than one occasion. In this scenario I am looking for the first occurrence: output with (Retain  or 1). The output must contain all of the transactions (3 Month Spending Pattern) relating to the first occurrence for that customer. The outputs should omit those transactions that do not fall within the first three consecutive month period. 


Customer                Date                                  Sale                          3 Month Spending Pattern         Status

Customer A            10/08/2016                         Â£199                         1                                                 Reject

Customer A            01/01/2017                         Â£250                         1                                                 Retain

Customer A            01/01/2017                         Â£300                         1                                                 Retain

Customer A            06/02/2017                         Â£190                         2                                                 Retain

Customer A            08/03/2017                         Â£278                         3                                                 Retain

Customer A            28/05/2017                         Â£187                         1                                                 Reject


I have also attached an excel workbook that contains two sheets. The first sheet within the workbook contains the data as present, and the second sheet contains the desired output. 


I hope this makes sense. I'm hoping someone can help me.





8 - Asteroid

I've added the alteryx workbook.