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Allow Users to Save Output Files to Specified Location

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone :)


I've using Alteryx on a VM, and in my workflow, I am trying to allow users to specify where they want the output file saved.


Important Note: I will be using our Alteryx Gallery to allow users to run this workflow.


I cannot use the File Browse tool with the "Save As Dialogue" checkbox ticked because the default location in the Workflow settings is not appropriate for the users who will run the workflow; it is a drive on the VM.


File Browse.pngAction.pngWorkflow.png

However, on the Gallery, without the "Save As Dialogue" checkbox ticked,it seems that the workflow defaults to the default file location and does not work.


If I can allow the users who run the workflow to save to any location, e.g. their own desktop, this would be ideal.


Cheers! Any suggestions would be appreciated. :) 





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@MonBrazier You can just have a output data tool in your workflow and save it as a .yxdb file type. When the workflow is done, the user will have an option to download is as a .csv, .yxdb, and many more file types.

5 - Atom

Make sure you are using enterprise server. .yxdb output will work