Hi Alteryx Community! I am a new user to Alteryx and am hoping to have some guidance on the below question!
Thank you!
- Create a workflow to build a Property History Dimension table from Deed Transfer Records Cleaned table. It should meet the following requirements:
- The finished table should have the following structure (where PropertyID is a surrogate primary key):

- If a property has records in the Deed Transfer Records Cleaned table, it is assumed that all property transfer history is captured in this table.
- For the first transaction of each property, use document_date as the start_date. The end_date should be the document_date of the next transaction minus 1 day. For the last transaction, the end_date should be Null.
- If a property in the OPA Properties Cleaned table has no records in the Deed Transfer Records Cleaned table, then use the sale_date and sale_price in the OPA Properties Cleaned table as the start_date and Sale_price, respectively. The owner should be the owner_1 in the OPA Properties Cleaned table. The end_date for these transactions should be NULL.
Thank you!