Since I'm used to using Credentials Manager on Windows it seems an obvious place to store usernames and passwords. Alteryx has no native way to access these credentials so I made a custom tool using the Python SDK to retrieve them.
It uses the standard library so doesn't install any extra packages and can access any credential stored in the Generic Credentials section of Windows Credential Manager.
Super easy to use, just add to the canvas, enter the credential name to retrieve and run. The username and password are output in separate columns into the workflow.
Please report any bugs 🐞
Get it from the Alteryx Public Gallery:!app/Credentials/5f3ff1160462d715e4d43869
Using the tool:
the saved credential:
Bob Peers, Consultant, Inviso by Devoteam,
This is just simply brilliant. I am a bit shocked no one has built something so useful before. Kudos for doing this 🙂
Thanks Joshua, I was also surprised to see this hadn't been made before and maybe even more surprised that it's not a standard part of Alteryx since it's a common way to store credentials securely.
Hi Bob,
This is an incredible tool! I’m testing it and is working fine on my PC, I also installed on Alteryx Server (2019.4 version and installed as admin) and is working fine from Designer on server.
The issue is that when I load a workflow with the tool into the Gallery I’m getting always error (saying the credential does not exist) and if I try to run the workflow from Gallery, the workflow fails and I’m getting same error that the credential does not exist, and it actually exist on the windows credential manager of the Alteryx server...
Is this a known issue? Am I missing something?
How could be avoided and work fine the tool from Gallery?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Alberto,
First of all, thanks!
It's difficult to be sure why it fails but is it maybe being run as a different user on the gallery? Are you able to test this?
Best regards
Hi Bob,
Yes, it was related to the user running in the Gallery. It's working fine now.
The issue was that our Alteryx Server is configured with 'Run as' and a system account, so I created the credentials logged on the server with the system account, instead of my user, and now I'm not getting the error when loading and running from the Gallery.
Thanks for your support and congrats for all your macros, most of them are really impresive!
Best Regards,
Hi Alberto,
Good to hear you got it working!
Best regards
This looks perfect for our use case. We have it working and can pull data from the Credential Manager successfully. However, is it possible to feed that data into another node? Ideally we are looking for a way to control the UN/PW input into Email and the Publish to Tableau Server nodes?
is anyone able to get the credentials manager tool from gallery? could someone please help
Hello bobpeers,
You are perhaps still arround : I know it has been a while you posted this page, but I would be very interesting to get this app, but I can't find it... Would it be possible to make available again ?
I'm pretty new using Alteryx but from my current knowledge, I believe this is an effective way getting credential, especially when using API with various type of authentication.
Thanks a lot,