I got around to fixing 2.0 version which had absolute path issues that required linking macros back up. Thanks Wayne at Alteryx for testing.
The problem:
I create a lot of workflows (800 and counting) and often need to find workflows that created a specific yxdb or csv file. Or I need to find all workflows that use a specific tool - like the Download Tool(eg xml = download.download), so I can remember how I set it up for a API so I can use in another service.
The Need:
Crawl all my directories with yxmd/mc files and then search the filename and file xml for keywords.
The Solution:
This workflow takes the path(s) you specify and creates a list(via .bat file - eg windows only) of all your yxmd/mc Files/Paths and then runs through a batch macro to look for the keyword you are searching and returns the file name and path so you can copy and open to get on with your business.
There are 3 inputs:
Once enter your information: RUN to see your results by
Some notes on searching for a tool in a workflow.
If I search for "download" - it pickups a path with folder download
<Field name="C:\Users\Anthony\Downloads\FInder Temp Rebuild\AFind_N_YX_Files.yxmc" size="254" source="File: C:\Users\Anthony\Downloads\FInder Temp Rebuild\YXM_listOfPathReport.csv" type="V_String" />
This is the actual download tool name
To look up in xml, either just open your yxmd file in a text editor and try to find what it is, or create a temp workflow with that tool and look at xml in configuration for the workflow (I think you must turn on xml in users settings for it to show up in conf section)
Hopefully you find this useful as it was a pita to setup with relative paths and export into a file for others to use ;)
I added a bat file output to diagnose issues and if you want to see what is creating the list of files.
If you run into issues, you can run each line in a CMD to see which line is causing errors.
Random notes on creating this package workbook.
I had all kind of issues getting this to work for various reasons.
Solved! Go to Solution.
@anthony, just wanted to say that I don't think giving this a mere star is enough: this is really awesome! Great job!
John, thanks - it saves me regularly :)
One thing I should have mentioned - if you add the path to the alteryx sample workflows, you can search for tools you might not use, to see how they are used.
eg base64 results:
Which gives me an idea - crawl community and download all workflows as an additional library of examples... oh the possibilities.
I came across another use case today - finding a workflow that outputs a specific column name.
I had created a flat file with summarize tool that had the header: "CountDistinct_Right_OrderID" and I could not remember when or where I created this file. Luckily it was a unique enough name that I could search for the header name - which never really occurred to me since usually they are rarely this unique.
I searched with FINDER for "CountDistinct_Right_OrderID" and it found the ONE file that had created.
Chad over at https://www.dataprepu.com/ tested on a newer version and the record select is broken in the main macro.
Just set the select to 1 and it will work as expected.
I am still on 10.6 so never noticed it stopped. I guess I will get to fix a lot of my workflows soon.
Hi @anthony
this is just Godsend. Cant thank enough.
However, when i run the Workflow, the macro is showing me an error
Can you please advise me to run this WF?Error at (130) The entry point is invalid
See the screen grab above - you have to change that '?' to a record select and set to '1'
Replaced the Question mark with the Select Records tool and now, I am getting an output.
The output file has the file path of all alteryx workflows in a folder. Thats really great.
However, just a step further, Can i request a workflow to look withing a single file and list out the input files for that workflow/ all workflows within the folder and then the output files for the same?
To go further, I would ideally request a workflow that indexes
1. Filename with filepath of the alteryx workflow./app (single and within a folder)
2. Output filename and filepath of that workflow/app (single or within a folder)
My organisation has over 700 workflows and I constantly get requests to look within a workflow and edit it to update the output file. I have a hard time backtracking an output file to its workflow and such.
Thanks @anthony! You rock!
I can't get it to work, sorry. When I open to do the "fix" below, it doesn't look the same ?
My error is :
Individual Tool Counter (55) String fields are limited to 16384 bytes. Use a V_String field instead.
Filter (41) 1 records were True and 2 were False
Append Fields (39) 1 target records generated 1 output records
Individual Tool Counter (55) Record #1: Tool #130: Cannot find macro "Debug\_externals\1\SelectRecords.yxmc".
Individual Tool Counter (55) Record #1: Tool #129: The Source must have a valid connection
Individual Tool Counter (55) 1 iterations were run
Individual Tool Counter (55) RecordInfo::CreateRecord: A record was created with no fields.
Right click on orange macro - the tool you need to fix is in there.