i am trying to create a macro to be able to use the sharepoint file connector by replicating how the directory + dynamic input tool works.
so far it works fine if i use the same site i used to create the macro in a first instance.
When I try to use a different site I get an error saying the following :
"Nothing matches the guiven URL".
I am stuck at this point.
The macro is configured as follows:
first macro :
it's a batch macro where I update two parameters
1 -> filepath I create it by concatenating the file name + the path of the site
2 -> site name I create it by adding the name of the site where the files are.
second macro:
a sharepoint file input where I extract the list of files inside the site, I choose the most recent file.
an input text where I pass the site name
an input text where I pass the path of the folder.
I then concatenate everything to form the full path as : [File Path]+"/"+[Relative Path].
then I pass it to the first macro.
this works perfect if the files are in the same site as the one used to create them. despite if it is in diferent folders inside or whatever .
the problem comes when I try to use another site.
I am quite frustrated with this, I would appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance
I developed a similar macro. I tried setting it up so I could open file from multiple locations, unfortunately I started getting errors whenever I updated more than the file names. I didn't pursue this issue any further because requiring files to be in the same site/folder satisfied my criteria.
Which variables do I need to replace with control parameters in case I want to dynamically read from Sharepoint? I did filename, path value and item path value, but the files are not being read. The ITEM ID which seems to be a long hex string, is that also unique to the file? Where do I get that value?
@PrafulM The only thing I'm updating in my batch macro is Path. I tried updating Sitename as well but that caused errors so I abandoned that I just create a new macro for each site I need to access.
Did anyone figure this out? We are trying to do the same thing and would like some guidance.
@nharter There is no marked solution by my comment from 8/2/22 mentions a work around for problems with changing the site name.