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writing output to different directories(client id) based on client id

7 - Meteor

writing output to different directories(client id) based on client id, and writing only client info specific to client id


Hello Alteryx Community,

I am working on a work flow where I am connecting to DB, and reading multiple client info. There will many reports specific to each client(all reports are similar, but want to break down the reports per client). I dont want to add a formula before each of the output to specify the folder location and write the output. I want to add a formula in the after reading the data from DB and then filter and write the data


I am following below approach

1. Create respective folders(client id) under the output directories, based on the multiple client data that I am reading from the DB.

2. Using a formula to specify the directory location.

3. Sort or filter the data based on the client id --> I dont think I am doing right here

4. write the client data to the respective client id directory under output folder



Attaching the sample client info sheet and the alteryx workflow.


Appreciate community suggestions.






I think this might help!


In the output data tool you can configure to write a new file for each value in a field. Attached is a sample configuration for this using an output to excel.



7 - Meteor

@PeterA1  I am not able to open workflow as I am receiving below error "This workflow was created by a more recent version of Alteryx, and may contain tools or functionality not present in this version. Alteryx does not support using an earlier version of Alteryx to open a workflow created with a newer version. For best results, download the latest version of Alteryx."



Looks like I am on older version of Alteryx (2019.2.562427)




Hmm, I will look into that and see about why that might be. Strange because I only added an output data tool. 


Regardless, here is the configuration of the output data tool which will essentially: "create a new excel workbook (and union the data) for every unique item in the field". Specifically, the part of the screenshot that directs it to create a new sheet (or a file, you have options) is highlighted.




With 2019.3 you can now apply tools to canvas from the interactive results grid! Lots of cool new features 🙂





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