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question on Field Summary Tool outputs

6 - Meteoroid

product documentation shows the following:


  • O: An Alteryx data stream with descriptive statistics for selected columns along with recommendations, in the Remarks column, for managing data.
  • R: A static report with a scatterplot and descriptive statistics for selected columns along with recommendations (see Remarks) for managing data in a column. To view the report, add a Browse tool and connect it to the R output. See Browse Tool.
  • I: An interactive dashboard consisting of expandable panels for each column. To view the report, add a Browse tool and connect it to the I output. See Browse Tool. Each panel consists of a histogram or column chart and summary statistics:

Is is possible to OUTPUT the R and I results to Excel or is it only possible to view the results from within Alteryx?





12 - Quasar

R and I are created from the data in O but its done internally with Alteryx's reporting tool and with D3 (i believe) for the interactive version.  You cant directly output that to Excel.


I assume what you are trying to do is have an excel file with charts and such?  Since the Field Info tool has a predictable output format, you could create a Excel template with a 'data' tab and then charts and pivot tables on a summary tab.  Then just write the 'O' output of the field summary tool in Alteryx to your data tab and your charts in excel would automatically refresh.


It's be a little bit of work to setup the template the first time, but you get the benefit of having it custom to what you want, and then it's automated from that point on.

6 - Meteoroid



Yes that's correct ...  the idea was to emulate the content from the R & I reports in Excel.  Was not sure if it was possible to output directly to Excel as such and was curious to know ... hence my question.  Thanks for the confirmation that this is NOT possible to do as direct export, and the suggestion on setting up a template to automate.  I may give that a go ... 


So for designing the work flow .. it must be best then to just plug in (drag in) the Browse tool instead for R and I.


Thanks for the reply!



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