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output to excel file to the sheet that includes both data and the excel formulas....

8 - Asteroid

Hi All, Thanks for your time, I have this dataset which iam exporting into .xlsx file into a sheet and this sheet has formula columns which are manually created within the excel and it looks like below


DateItem NamePointsTeam Name

Excel Formula Col1

Q1 240

Excel Formula Col2

Q2 241

Excel Formula Col3

Q3 242

3/31/2025Q1 Farm Data20Team XYZ

IF($A1<$B$2, IF($E1>0,($C1/$C$2)/$E1,0), 0)

same sort of formula

same sort of formula


Question is: Using the overwrite sheet (Range) keep formatting option - i would like to write the data for the columns Date, Item Name, Points, Team Name with the data coming from say database or with the data that is cleaned and ready for use - within the alteryx itself. will the formulas work when we open the .xlsx file. Going through so many threads but not seen this without the issues...

could someone please suggest any ideas or workarounds. Unfortunately the formulas has to stay to the right after those 4 columns because they are referring to the data points which is nothing but those 4 columns

thank you so much for your time

21 - Polaris

@Raj_007 the blob tools will be an option for your use case, you can find sample workflow attached in the below blog

8 - Asteroid

Hi Binuacs, Thank you so much for your time.

Let me test this using one sheet - I hope i can use the same logic for the remaining sheets

i have the same set of data in  4 sheets in all 4 sheets the data and the formulas look exactly same ( like the above )  its just that the data is for different products

8 - Asteroid

Hi Binuacs,

I folowed exactly like mentioned in the blog - for some reason i am getting the unable to create backup of  error


Error: Output Data (14): Unable to create backup of locationwithfilename_2025.xlsx to locationwithflename_2025.xlsx.bak: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (32)

I have used wait until done just like example in blog


any suggestions

21 - Polaris

can you screen shot your wprkflow?

8 - Asteroid

Hi Binuacs, I have attached the screenshots .. the source template includes all the formulas and the formatted headers - it just does not include the data
the error is unable to create the backup of  ....the process is being used by another process



8 - Asteroid

something i noticed is the error is consistent ... sometimes its ok and sometimes it says unable to create backup of...the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

21 - Polaris

@Raj_007 in your workflow the same output file is being used once or more than that? I will create a sample workflow with the blob tool and upload here

8 - Asteroid

H Binuacs, sorry, was away. same output file? I remember using like Template1 and Template2. Thank you so much let me verify again
BLOB output is done first then the data when the entire path comes from the field 

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