No. of Past Due Days Movement – DPD increase of accounts reported in current month from previous month is only 30 days
Error: If previous month NumberofDays = 000 and current month NumberofDays > 001
If previous month NumberofDays = 001 and current month NumberofDays > 030
If previous month NumberofDays = 030 and current month NumberofDays > 060
If previous month NumberofDays = 060 and current month NumberofDays > 090
If previous month NumberofDays = 090 and current month NumberofDays > 120
If previous month NumberofDays = 120 and current month NumberofDays > 150
If previous month NumberofDays = 150 and current month NumberofDays > 180
Can you provide some sample data and the expected output? This would help understand what you're trying to do.