I want to extract data using Tcodes from sap into alteryx , please help me with this
Hi -
Do you have the DVW ACS tools?
No , Are they paid ?
if yes then at what cost any idea.
Yes - it is a licensed product. Probably 2-3 thousand USD per user, but not sure.
without these tools, there’s no way to connect Alteryx to a tcode. AFAIK, your only option without DVW is to connect to HANA via ODBC and that can be troublesome.
can we use any code to do so?
Can you clarify? Not sure I understand your question.
Hi @Raj,
Your main options are the existing SAP-Alteryx connection tools such as DVW or Theobald.
As mentioned by @Mchappell67, doing a direct connection to HANA via ODBC can be troublesome as various transaction tables in SAP are linked. You have a risk of having inconsistent and inaccurate data for your analysis without the help of tools such as DVW or Theobald.