I am trying to set up a formula so that if a file name contains a certain number between two dashes i pull the file in.
example if a file name has a 2 between the dashes or a 7 then i want to pull that file in.
example file names:
daily pull 12-2-2023
daily pull 12-5-2023
daily pull 12-7-2023
daily pull 12-8-2023
daily pull 2-5-2023
daily pull 2-6-2023
daily pull 2-7-2023
daily pull 2-2-2023
work flow pulls these files from that group
daily pull 12-2-2023
daily pull 12-7-2023
daily pull 2-7-2023
daily pull 2-2-2023
Solved! Go to Solution.
hi! use a filter tool
then on the configuration choose the "custom filter" and use the formula below:
Contains([FileName],"-2-") OR
hope this helps!
hi- just realized the format is yyyy-mm-dd, so how do pull files that just has the 2 or 7 at the end and not also as possible month value?
@Ksisterhen - the attached parses the date from the file name, and then filters on the day. Doesn't need to be done this way, but figured having the date could be useful in other parts of your workflow too.
so ideally i actually want the filter to pull if the date # is today, tomorrow or yesterday so for today if i were to run the workflow i would want the workflow to pull files with a day date of the 16th, 17th or 18th, how can i make the filter dynamic like that? and tomorrow pull files with date numbers 17,18,19
@Ksisterhen - see attached!
Just use the formula I gave you and change the "-2-" to "-2" .. do the same for the 7...
nvm figured it out, thanks for all your help!
Hi! im really confuse about your inqiury...
please see filter tool..
just make sure your data set is already in data type.. (that mean you already parsed your filename)..
you can get the files dated today via basic filter (column date = Today ) which are all provided to you in drop down options..
today can be changed to yesterday and tomorrow ..
there is the "Fixed" option where you can choose a different date through a calendar that will show once you pick "fixed"
if you are new and find it hard to use a custom filter do 1 filter tool per date... and use a union tool to combine them all (this is where i started)..