I'm doing a simple calculation to change the sign of incoming value to the opposite sign.
While doing so, my first mathematical approach was to simply multiply it by (-1).
What I have noticed is, while all the numbers are getting with opposite signs, 0 is also getting assigned with negative sign.
You may see 0 in output window but in detailed window it shows as -0.
More over, even when I tried to transpose the column it is showing as -0.
I tried the same thing with incoming null values to get converted to 0 first and then to apply formula, go the same result.
I'm using Version: 2022.1.1.30961.
Is this a known issue ?
Sample data I used -
Value | ID |
1 | A |
10 | C |
100 | B |
200 | E |
D | |
0 | G |
-300 | H |
I am not the expert on computer science, but it appears to be related with "Signed Zero" topic.
In short, it is as per design to have negative zero for Double data type.
When you do the transpose, since some of the data is String type such as "A", "B" and so on, so the negative zero is also forcely converted to String "-0".
If we only the value of numeric for transpose, it will remain showing as "0" without sign.
@girkarkamlesh to convert them to normal 0 you can try the ABS(x) function in a formula
You might want to change the datatype accordingly. From the screenshots i can see that one is v_String and other is Double.