Hi, I'm helping our finance team to do some calculations based on earnings and work codes. For example, in the sample data, each employee has a list of different earn codes (column PS Earn Code), for different pay periods (column pay period). If that pay period has overtime (column OT Code?), I want to tell Alteryx to loop through all rows associated with the pay period and do a bunch of consecutive calculations to get to a final amount for that pay period. If that pay period doesn't have any overtime, I want it to do nothing. From what I read I need to use the multi row formula, but it seems to be more useful when using calculations on consecutive rows, instead of calculations on a group of rows. I am probably misunderstanding it.
I unfortunately can't include my actual workflow because it has some sensitive data in it, but I hope the sample data makes sense?
Hi @Alayna ,
it would help if you can add a column that depicts your expected result.
Could you add that column in the sample file and reshare it?
Shreyansh Rathod