I have been using this macro for at least 6 months with no problems. A couple of days ago an error showed up indicating "2.0 join: the field "Test" is not contained in the record" What causes this and how can I fix it?
Did you recently upgrade to a new version of Alteryx? It's possible that may be an enhancement has caused a tool you're using to behave unexpectedly.
Without knowing any details on the Macro (E.g. Is 2.0 Join tool inside the Macro) I can't provide specific advice. However, more generally I would suggest analyzing the current data against prior data to see if there any critical differences.
In the past, my MACROs have stopped working when I didn't account for a scenario in the data or I improperly answered a question that interfaces with the Macro workflow. If you create a copy of your Macro workflow and directly point that workflow to your current data you can check if the Macro will run. If it runs, that would likely indicate an issue with the interface tools used. If it does not run, then your data has a new scenario you need to adjust the underlying tools within your macro to handle.
For more detailed help, please provide some sample/mocked up data and additional information on the Macro.
The Join 2.0 is inside the macro. I've disconnected the input to the macro and the error persists. I have not changed my version of Alteryx. It is 2019.3.1.24384