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Using Alteryx "Run Command" to fire GPG

5 - Atom

I use an Input Data tool to read a text file containing a list of files that are pgp encyrpted. The list contains the full path for each file. My GPG command is of the form "gpg -o [OutputFile] --batch (additional options) -d [SourceFile]. The GPG command works correctly if I type it into a Command Line prompt. When attempting to run the exact same command (including file paths) using Alteryx "Run Command" tool, GPG always fails with "error code 2", which likely indicates either file not found or some other permissions issue. 


I've tried putting everything (alteryx workflow, list of files, the files themselves, etc.) in my local C: directory for testing (although ultimately i need this run with network mapped drives). I've also tried Run as Administrator. Nothing i've tried has worked, which suggests (to me) that I'm looking in the wrong place.


On the off chance that someone has got a similar setup working, I'd love to know what if anything you had to do to get it working. but I'd also be grateful for anything from anyone who has used Run Command successfully. 


19 - Altair

do your paths have spaces - and if so what kind of quotes are you wrapping them in (vs what kind of quote are you wrapping your command in)?


can you share the configuration of the output section of your run command? are you writing to a dynamic location?

13 - Pulsar


From my experience with Run Command is that if it runs correctly from Command Line prompt your command is correct. No you need to find what you are doing incorrectly in Alteryx.

Check the .bat file that Alteryx writing and see if you have there the correct command, simply copy and paste it to the Command Line prompt, You should be able to find in the .bat file what is wrong and then fix it in the WF to get the correct command.

Ensure that you do not have mapped drives that been used in the path. Mapped drives will not work, such as D:, O: Z: etc. you need to have the full path.

Mapped drives will work from your Command Line prompt as they are defined on your computer, to get it work for Alteryx you will need a full path.

And you can check if Alteryx has access to these folders as when you are using Designer it is using your credentials.

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